From my family to yours, I hope you all have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
I know it’s only an American holiday, but it’s a big one so I want to pass the cheer on to each and every one of you.
In place of turkey, eat some chicken and send your love and thanks to all that are important to you.
See y’all in class!
When I was young, my dad would buy me chicken wings from Furaibo. I really like them and it became my favorite up until now.
Recently I have been experimenting on recipes to make my own tebasaki. I was finally able to make some that tasted similar to my favorite. It’s really good! If you want to know how I made it, don’t hesitate to say “Hello! ”When you see me and I’ll happily share the recipe with you
I was teaching S1 class when I noticed that the sun just set and the view is so nice. I quickly opened the window and took a picture to share it to y’all.
This made me remember Manila, my hometown.
Me and my family always go to Manila Bay to watch the sunset.
It’s so nostalgic. What do you think of the view?
I hope you like it!