I was teaching S1 class when I noticed that the sun just set and the view is so nice. I quickly opened the window and took a picture to share it to y’all.
This made me remember Manila, my hometown.
Me and my family always go to Manila Bay to watch the sunset.
It’s so nostalgic. What do you think of the view?
I hope you like it!
The skies were still blue during my commute today. But, it got dark very quickly this afternoon. I was even more surprised how quickly it started raining, and how quickly it stopped thereafter.
It it reminds me a lot of the weather back home in my province of Alberta. People would always say, “If you don’t like the weather, wait five minutes. It’ll change.”
I personally love the rain though. It’s relaxing to listen to, and I even have a rain sounds app on my phone to use if I need to block out background noise to concentrate on something.