Autumn has many autumnal flavors we are all obliged to indulge in. Pumpkin. Pumpkin spice. Gingerbread (which is just pumpkin spice but more ginger). (Also, the association between pumpkin and pumpkin spice is so strong that people think they’re the same thing.)
Okay, maybe there aren’t very many flavors after all.
But I do enjoy that one flavor that we have! And since I can’t import my usual canned pumpkin due to supply chain issues, I’ll have to make due with pumpkin spice with extra ginger–also known as gingerbread.
This is why I made gingerbread men this month. 1) They’re nostalgic. Not because my family habitually makes gingerbread men–absolutely not! We are a lazy drop cookie family. Gingerbread men are a cutout cookie and much more fussy as a result. But before I moved to Japan, I’d discovered a pumpkin gingerbread cookie recipe that I adored and still adore. I can’t do the pumpkin version thanks to the aforementioned supply chain issues, but I can do the gingerbread half of that equation! Thus fulfilling my nostalgic itch. 2) They’re pumpkin spice but with extra ginger. I’m American. I am addicted to this spice. Enough said. 3) They’re delicious. Can’t go wrong with pumpkin spice on that front. And 4) they’re gingerbread men, which means I can bite their heads off. This is the only appropriate way to eat a gingerbread man, after all.
This poor gingerbread man was named Jeremy. He was delicious.
Why Does Japan Associate Christmas With KFC?
Have you ever wondered how Japanese people celebrate Christmas? After all, Christmas is not a national holiday, and less than once percent of the population are Christians. Nevertheless, Christmas has had a huge impact in Japan with a big exception when compared to other countries that celebrate this holiday: there is absolutely no religion attached to the concept. As a result, Christmas has become a festive time of the year where Japanese people can go shopping, exchange gifts, enjoy Christmas lights and decorations, and have elegant dinners at luxurious restaurants without ever thinking of the religious aspects behind the holiday.
Christmas in Japan is a whole different concept, there is a tradition that many people overseas would find crazy and it concerns Kentucky Fried Chicken (KFC):
Over the past years, one of the many Christmas customs that can be found in Japan is celebrating the holiday with a huge bucket of KFC. Every winter, around the 23rd of December, Colonel Sanders will appear dressed up as Santa Claus, drawing enormous crowds thanks to the so called Party Barrel offer. Party Barrel being, of course, Japan’s version of the KFC Bucket.
As a result, KFC’s sales in December tend to be twice as high as those of other months. Unlucky customers who opted to buy one of these KFC buckets on December 24 at big locations, such as the ones in Shinjuku, can end up waiting two hours for their Christmas fried chicken.
People are willing to wait two hours for Kentucky Fried Chicken. That’s a level of commitment to this tradition that anyone outside Japan would find absolutely astonishing. KFC is a fast food chain, and fast food chains usually do not get this kind of attention unless they are the first ones to open in a specific market, creating a quick craze that eventually fades and dies.
Stay tuned for Part 2! Thank you for reading my blog.
オーストラリアでは6月にCrazy Hair Dayというものがあるそうです。
10月のシカゴを訪れたとき、ネブラスカ州に留学している横山晃生君が来るまで会いに来てくれました。以前、ミシガン州ではcorn maze(トウモロコシ畑の迷路)に行ったことことがありました。イリノイ州のこの迷路まで1時間ほど車でやってきました。まず驚いたのは人の数。3~5歳くらいの子どもを連れた家族連れでにぎわっていました。生演奏をやっていたり、トランポリン、ヤギやアルパカなどの動物を触れる小屋など、ちょっとした田舎の遊園地のようでした。マスクはせず、元の日常のようでした。干し草の乗って野原を走る「ヘイライド=HAY RIDE」も楽しみました。平和な一ページがあることにほっとした感じでした。
今回紹介するのは、アメリカのロックバンドの “Red Hot Chili Peppers (レッドホットチリペッパーズ)” です。世界的なロックバンドであり、知っている人も少なくないと思います。私が中学生の時にこのバンドを知り、迫力のある演奏に心打たれたのを覚えています。特にベースを弾いている”flea (フリー) “の演奏が特徴的で、今でもバンド好きな若者を多く魅了しているミュージシャンの一人です。
レッドホットチリペッパーズの有名な曲はいろいろありますが、”Can’t Stop” が一番有名だと思います。リズムが良く聞きやすい曲だと思いますので、是非聴いてみてください。