
Ice cream is delicious, I think we can all agree. Gelato is a lot like ice cream, and it’s also very delicious. If I had to choose between the two, though, I think I’d say that gelato is my favorite, although that might just be because I so rarely get to eat it. I certainly didn’t expect an opportunity to arise while visiting a random café in Japan, yet somehow here we are now!
My friends and I happened by this cute little café in Omi-Hachiman awhile back. My attention had been caught by the yuzu tree and the chalkboard menu out front advertising yuzu chiffon. If you can’t tell, I have a profound weakness for all things yuzu. When we went into the café, however, my attention was then captured by the gelato case. There were quite a few flavors, many of them new to me in gelato form. Sadly, there wasn’t any yuzu gelato, but there was matcha! I love matcha, but I’d never had it in gelato form before, so I was very excited.
And I wasn’t disappointed when the waitress brought it to our table, either. It was fantastic. Cold, smooth, matcha-y, and sitting on a bed of frosted flakes, of all things. Like a deconstructed ice cream cone. It was perfection. I loved every bite. Matcha + gelato isn’t exactly the most conventional combination, but I can confidently say that it’s a winning one.


Hey y’all!
I am sad to say that I have recently lost my family dog, Dude. Although his passing is incredibly sad, he was over 14 years old. That is about 98 years old in dog years. Crazy! I know. Dude enjoyed many things such as sleeping, sitting, laying in the sun and eating. I will miss Dude greatly. Make sure you hug your cat, dog, bird, goldfish, etc. extra hard tonight to let them know that they are very much appreciated and loved.
See y’all in class!

Japan may not have The Great Lakes, but she does have a pretty great lake of her own: Lake Biwa. Lake Biwa is the largest lake in Japan, and you can see it from space, nestled in central Japan near Kyoto and many other very famous cities. I’ve been to the lake a few times, and it’s always breathtaking. It’s kind of shocking to see this flat lake hemmed in by towering mountains so close to the shore. Lake Biwa is a place of contrasts, and I’m here for it.
On the particular trip pictured below, we summited a small mountain via cable car, which is always a treat. At the top of the mountain, we were treated to this amazing view. Not pictured was the small colony of shockingly tame wild cats that are quite happy to be fed, pet, and pampered by any and all visiting tourists. Or the love temple haha. If you aren’t recognizing all these little details, I’ll just say it out loud: this trip was to Omi-Hachiman. The lead-up to the ropeway was also lined with all these old-timey Japanese buildings housing famous wagashi shops, a pickled goods shop, souvenir shops, cafes, restaurants, micro-breweries, and so much more. It’s a really cool place. The part that most captures my attention, though, is that view at the top of the mountain. When I think back on that trip, I always fall into the memory of the brisk wind, the looming mountains, the breathtaking vistas… I can feel my heart slowing as I settle into my happy place.
Travelling is so much fun, especially when you can spend your time perched on mountain tops admiring the natural geography of a place. Such a venture is always worthwhile, in my opinion. Go see Japan, go see the world, go see everything. You won’t regret it.