I’m admittedly kind of a lazy baker. It’s not that I’m not willing to invest a lot of time and/or effort into my baked goods. I very much am willing. That’s why I’ll bake cookies that take three days to make, or pumpkin rolls that take eight hours of near continuous labor, and so-on. When it comes to making something, I’m all in. It’s once the item in question reaches an edible state that all commitment drains from my body. I’ll spend three days baking cookies, but I won’t decorate them. I’ll bake fresh, beautiful loaves of bread for my neighbors, but I won’t package them in festive paper. I generally have no interest in investing any additional time/effort in a baked good once it can be consumed – its ultimate purpose. Therefore, I don’t make sandwich cookies.
Until now!
I recently have become very interested in jam. Jam is very tasty. I like it on bread and scones. But I haven’t felt like baking bread or scones. So what to do with all this jam I had accumulated…?
Sandwich cookies, of course!
They require additional labor post-edibility, which I dislike, however the actual labor is pretty minimal, so I’ll tolerate it. I’ve made two flavors so far: lemon almond cookies with orange marmalade, and chocolate shortbread cookies with cherry jam. I didn’t try the former myself, but the individual I gave them to gave positive feedback. The latter, I consumed far too many of. I call them vampire cookies, because they bleed haha.
I’m really enjoying not only the flavor combinations themselves, but the textural combo of slightly crisped cookie with moist jam. It’s surprisingly delicious.
I’d like to try more combinations of sandwich cookies. This whole endeavor kind of started after I developed an interest in making linzer cookies. I still haven’t made proper linzer cookies. I don’t have the right cookies cutters for that, nor have I applied quite the right recipes yet either. Maybe one day soon. Regardless, I’ve enjoyed the results so far. I look forward to more experiments in the future!