The pandemic has taken a lot of things away from us over the past year, but live music has been the thing I personally miss the most. Not being able to go out to eat isn’t so bad because I’ve enjoyed cooking more. Not being able to go shopping isn’t a big deal thanks to the convenience of online stores. Live music, however, can’t be replaced. I know that streaming events have become popular over the past year, and while they’re great, they’re still nothing like the experience of live music in-person.
Concerts have been a major part of my life since high school. When I was a college student I would go to a few live events every month. Some of my favorite memories are from shows and they’re where I met some of my best friends. In Japan, local live houses are hands down my favorite places. So not being able to go has been the hardest thing for me over the past year.
Here’s a photo I took at the end of January 2020, when one of my favorite American bands (from Austin, Texas) toured Japan. I hope that I can get back to concerts sooner rather than later.

自分の持っている力を信じて頑張ってください! 応援してます!!


Hello everyone! While I was at the convenient store I noticed some ramen that were Pringles flavored. Not just any Pringles but sour cream and onion flavored! In English we call two foods that are from two countries “fusion food.” Mixing together different flavors and making one delicious dish!
Pringles are are very popular snacks in America, one of the most popular flavors is sour cream and onion. In Japan, instant ramen is a very popular snack, so combining these popular snacks can be really tasty or… maybe kind of gross!
I didn’t buy the Pringles ramen, I’m not brave enough to try it! If you are brave and interested in trying new food, please let me know how it taste!

Hey y’all!
No holiday is complete without an array of delicious foods. So for this blog post, I decided to show off some of the delicious meals I got to enjoy over the break. Never in a million years did I think I would be enjoying sushi on Christmas Day or eating some called “Osechi” but here we are! What did y’all eat over the break?