ジャック オー ランタン
This weekend Sam and I went on another excited adventure to Little World in Inuyama! There are many attractions that represent different countries. Each country attraction had some traditional buildings, a cafe serving popular food from that country, and a gift shop! We had so much fun seeing all the different cultures, and it inspired us to travel more when corona is over! My favorite attraction was Nepal because it looks like an exciting and beautiful place to visit! Where would you like to visit when corona is over?
Hey y’all!
A few weekends ago Nikki and I traveled to Inuyama to see Little World! It was recommended to us by Ryan, so I knew it had to be a great place to visit. Within Little World, you get a chance to see buildings, eat food and wear costumes from all over the world! Since COVID has stopped all of us from traveling abroad, this was a great opportunity to get outside and see some cool sights from all of the world. So, if you’re bored, in need of some fresh air, and missing the feeling of traveling, head on down to Little World.
Anyway, stay safe and see y’all in class!
Hello everyone! You’ve tried kimchi, right? I love it so much, but I had never had it until I lived in Korea. Now, I eat it with so many things: meat, eggs, rice, and much more! Sadly, it can get a little expensive.
A few weekends ago, some friends and I decided to make some ourselves! It’s kind of a long process with many steps, but it was totally worth it! We each got our own jar, with many left over. I want to make kimchi again because it was so good and so much fun to make. Maybe I can soon! Have a great week!!