Halloween Week is finally here! I was excited to see everyone’s costumes and I am happy that so many students have dressed up! I am a pumpkin and a devil this year. My costumes are simple but it makes me happy to wear something anyway 🎃 I will miss the Halloween decorations after this week is finished, but Christmas is coming soon… and that’s fun too!!


みなさんこんにちは! 前々回に引き続きスリランカへの旅行の思い出について書いていきたいと思います。頂上に到着しました。人もそこまで多くなかったため、すんなりと着くことができました。シーギリヤロックについて予習をしていたときに「行列がすごくて階段を登れない、もしくは階段で待ち続けることがある」と誰かがブログで書いていたので心配していましたが問題ありませんでした。 頂上には貯水池が何個かありましたが、それ以外はほぼ何もありませんでした。ただ自分の想像力を掻き立てるような場所でした。どうやって貯水池を作ったのか、なぜこの場所に作ったのか、そして水がどのようにしてこの天空の宮殿に流れていき、水を供給していたのか、などなど。考え出すと止まりませんよね。そもそもこんな巨大岩の上に宮殿を造ること自体がすごいのですから。 次回はシーギリヤロックを降りてスリランカ中部に位置するキャンディという街に向かいます。目的はとある有名なお祭りを見るためです。



Now that we all wear masks whenever we step outside our homes, buying disposable masks to wear every day is just too wasteful for me – both economically and environmentally. So I instead wear masks that I made myself. They aren’t the most amazing things ever, but they’re mine, and I really like the fabric, what can I say? I also enjoyed the process of making a pattern piece, so I can easily make new masks that I know will fit well whenever the mood strikes.
It’s not an entirely simple process, unfortunately. I don’t use elastic bands, instead painstakingly making long straps from my fashion fabric to tie. It’s a prolonged and painful process that involves multiple hours of cutting, ironing, pinning, machine sewing, and hand sewing – and all that just for the straps! Making the body of the mask and assembling it with the finished straps is actually quite quick and easy, taking maybe thirty minutes total (the majority of that time being dedicated just to cutting the body out!)
The prospect of making those straps is daunting, however, so I don’t often add a new mask to my collection. However, for Halloween week, I’m wearing a costume, and of course my mask needs to match! Thus, it was time to make some new masks and brave the horrors of strap-making…
Anyways, here are my new masks. I used some new fabric so that they’d match my Darth Revan costume, of course. I’ve never made color-blocked…anything, really haha, but I quite like the effect. The color combination also reminds me strongly of Harley Quin or Deadpool, which I’m very much not opposed to. The only pity is that I had to switch thread colors constantly and rethread my machine, which is annoying. Beauty is pain, or so I’m told, so I guess that’s just par for the course.