Obon is the time of year when the souls of ancestors come back to visit.
Obon is observed from August 13th to August 16th.
お墓参りは、visit a grave
お盆休みは、Obon holiday・Obon vacation/ Obon festival
Every year, I like to travel during summer vacation. This year, I was planning to go back to Chicago to visit my friends and family. But due to coronavirus and the shortened summer vacation, my family and I stayed home instead. There isn’t a whole lot to do when you’re in the middle of a pandemic, so our goal was to make our time in our mini-quarantine as fun as possible. My son is almost four now, so we thought it would be a good time to introduce him to board games. We actually tried this about a year ago, but he was still struggling with basic rules. This time, however, he was much better and he had a good time.
Candy Land is a game that I remember playing a lot when I was around five years old. It’s sort of a classic game for young children, thanks to its very simple rules and fun appearance. He was able to pick up on the rules really quickly this time and he used lots of English while playing. We played a lot of games over the course of the week-long summer vacation, and I didn’t win a single game! My son won a lot, but when he lost (to his mother), he didn’t handle it well. There was some crying, but it was a good lesson for him.
Despite the tears, we enjoyed playing Candy Land, and I think we’re ready to move on to something a little bit more complicated. Board games are a great way to have fun with your family, and I’m looking forward to playing more!
欧米では真夏に怪談話を聞くという習慣があるのでしょうか。ないのでしょうか。「horror night」と検索すると、ハロウィンばかりが出てきます。きっと日本では、お盆にはご先祖様が返って来るとか、お墓参りに行くという習慣があるからでしょうか。お墓から幽霊、火の玉なんかも連想しますから。昨日はスイトテラスでは、お休み期間中ですが、ちょっとした「Horror Night」で、聞きました。一人で聞くにはこわいし、みんなで聞けばという感じで。それでも、大勢集まることは今は難しいかしいですから、小規模にはなりましたが。外は暑いし、コロナ感染予防はしなければいけないわで家にいる時間が長くなる夏休みですね。勉強もリズムをつけてやると進みますよ!
Mystery medieval castle in forest at night
英語でもshower(シャワー) や squall(スコール)という言葉が突然降ってくる雨という意味がありますが、
Rain Showers Meaning Wet Downpour And Rainfall
Over summer vacation Sam and I decided to go on an adventure and climb Mt. Kinka! I love to go hiking and be in nature, but I am super scared of heights! When I am up high and look down, my hearts beats hard and fast, and I get very scared. But I don’t let that stop me from climbing mountains! It’s important to face your fears so you can become stronger! I want to one day be able to climb a mountain effortlessly and not get scared. The only way I can achieve this dream is to keep practicing. Even if it’s difficult now, I won’t let that stop me!