I saw the biggest moth of my life in Gifu City not too long ago. Honestly, I was kind of shocked–not to see a moth in the first place, mind, but to see one of such size, in broad daylight no less!
I’ve never though much of moths before. They’re just kind of brown and plain usually. They’re also usually pretty small and delicate-looking.
But not this bad boy! He was downright beefy! And as a result, actually looks kind of cute. I think I’m in love.
I love learning about my students, and the current unit in our high school textbooks is a great opportunity to do so. The topic is “talents and abilities”, and we are having our students talk about things that they can do. Over the past week, I’ve learned a lot of things about my students that I didn’t know. It can be difficult to open up about things you’re good at. Many students even seem a bit shy about talking themselves up. A talent, even something that you might think is silly, is still something to be proud of, and communicating that pride in any language is important.
Some students can play some very cool instruments, while others are good at certain sports. Unique talents are a lot of fun, too, and I’ve found that some of my high schoolers can do impressions, beatbox, or solve a Rubik’s Cube very quickly. Talking about talents is a lot of fun, and I’m looking forward to doing it more as we progress through this unit.