
This summer I am determined to be in better shape! I have cut out most of my sweets, which I used to eat everyday, to once a week or none at all. And I want to be more physically active! So this past weekend Sam and I went on a small hike up a mountain!
We chose this mountain because all weekend long it was raining, and this mountain had paved streets leading to the top. So we could climb this mountain safely, even though it was raining! If we had climbed up a mountain without paved streets while it was raining, we could have slipped and fallen!
This mountain wasn’t very tall, so the work out we got from it wasn’t very hard. But, it is a good way to start building our muscles so we can climb taller mountains in the future! I want to climb Mount Fuji one day, which is a VERY TALL mountain! So I need lots of practice to be able to climb Mount Fuji.
Have you ever climbed a mountain before? What was the weather like when you did? Was the mountain super tall? Let me know!

Hey y’all!
A few weeks ago, Nikki and I went to Meiji Mura and Inuyama Castle! Although I’ve been to Meiji Mura before, I knew I had to show Nikki because of how cool the place is! All of the buildings are so beautiful, and it’s amazing to think about how they all had to be picked up and moved there!
It was my first time going to Inuyama Castle though. The significance of Inuyama Castle dates back to the times of Oda Nobanaga. According to the internet, “Inuyama Castle was the final obstacle against Oda Nobunaga’s unification of Owari Province. After Nobunaga had defeated the Imagawa clan at the Battle of Okehazamain 1560, his cousin, Oda Nobukiyo, seized Inuyama Castle with the support of Saito Yoshitatsu on Mino Province.” The castle is also considered to be one of Japan’s national treasures along side, Matsumoto Castle, Hikone Castle and Himeji Castle.
See y’all in class!

Hello Everyone! Fun fact about me, I am NOT a gardener. Even after working at a botanical garden in Texas, I’ve never been able to successfully keep any plants alive. But, I haven’t given up yet!
On my balcony, I have 2 stone planters, which are in a great location for plenty of sun and rain. I noticed a few months ago that, without any help from me, the planters started to fill with grass. I decided that I would test out an idea I had. I would buy some random seeds from the supermarket and throw them in with the grass, and if the seeds wanted to, they would grow and I could have flowers. Lucky for me, this rainy season has given them a lot of water so I don’t have to do much. As of today, I have a few sprouts, which is very exciting! So, I guess this means I can garden a little bit, right?? 
