Hey y’all!
A few weekends ago Ryan, Demetria, Jeramine and I headed out to Mie to see the “Sakura” display at Nabana No Sato. This was my first time to go, and it was truly a magical experience. We were also expecting it to rain, but luckily the weather held out! It was pretty cold though… I will for sure be returning later this year for the new display! I wonder what they will do for this year… An Olympic theme? What do you think?
See y’all in class!
Fun Times is Nara
Back in January, Sam and I decided to travel around Japan. Sam had never been to Nara before so she wanted to check it out. She was interested in seeing different things that Nara had to offer, but wasn’t too sure of what was there. She had asked me what kind of things were there since I had been before, but all I knew about Nara was Todaiji and that there was tons of deer!
When we first arrived in Nara It became very obvious that the town was filled with deer and that it was going to be an interesting adventure that day. We had decided that we would like to see the Temple first so that’s where we had headed, Unfortunately it started to rain! Sam and I are very stubborn so we didn’t let the rain stop us from our mission. As soon as we made it to the temple, there was even more deer! Sam was so excited we she saw them that she bought some biscuits to feed them. Big mistake! The deer swarmed her with excitement over the food they were about to get. After being bitten a few times (hahaha) Sam was able to get away from the deer and we were able to check out the temple.
The temple in Nara was very interesting and I Learned that it was home to one of the largest Buddha statues in Japan. I don’t know too much about Buddhism but I do enjoy visiting different Temples and seeing the different temples. Each temple is very unique and has a different atmosphere, which I enjoy. After leaving the temple Sam and I were pretty tired so decided to call it a day. If you know about anything else in Nara be sure to let us know!
Until next time….