About a month ago, Coffee Worth turned 100 years old. I first met Coffee while working in an intentional community in Comer, Georgia. Although Coffee was by far the oldest resident in the community, she set a perfect example of what it means to live in community: give a little, take a little and be patient. After my evening garden chores were completed, I would often visit Coffee to gleam some words of wisdom or special insights from her. My evenings were filled with stories of Coffee’s time living in South Korea for 10 years or fighting against racism by participating in marches during the civil rights movement in the states. Coffee is an amazing woman and although I cannot celebrate her birthday in Georgia this year, I can pause to reflect on all that I’ve learned from her. Happy 100th birthday Coffee!
日本では、ハロウィンが終わるとクリスマス商戦に入ってしまうけれど、アメリカは11月の第4木曜日がサンクスギビングデイ。収穫祭。翌日がブラックフライデーで、ここからクリスマス商戦がスタート。ブラックフライデーは、小売店などで大規模な安売りが実施される。 アメリカ合衆国では感謝祭の翌日は正式の休暇日ではないが休暇になることが多く、ブラックフライデー当日は感謝祭プレゼントの売れ残り一掃セール日にもなっているらしい。写真は、外国人講師ジョンの地元ミシガン州を訪れた時の家庭料理です。
Hey y’all!
The past two Mondays I made my way to Kyoto to see the beautiful fall sights, and visit family!
On the first Monday, I went to meet up with my Aunt and Uncle. They were traveling through Japan to celebrate my Aunt’s 60th birthday, and 35 years of marriage. I hadn’t seen them in such a long time, so it was truly a treat to see them. We of course went to Kiyomizu, Gion and Fushimi Inari. We even got see a small Maiko performance!
On the second Monday, Jeramine, Kohei and I took a quick trip to do even more sightseeing. On this trip we saw Higashi Honganji Temple, Kōdaiji Temple, Heian Shrine and Ryozen Kannon WWII Memorial.
Both trips were such a treat! Not only was it awesome to meet up with my family, but it was also great to spend time with my friends. Also, the colors of Kyoto were absolutely incredible! If you have some time, I highly recommend y’all making it out west to see the Kyoto trees.
See y’all in class!