Over summer vacation I went to Tokyo and visited “Small Worlds Miniature Museum”. There were displays featuring miniature replicas of various things like city streets or the inside of airports. It was very cool to see all of the details in this very small little models. I got lucky that while I was there there was an event featuring models of scenes from Evangelion. I really like Eva so it was super cool to see some of my favorite characters and locations like this.
Summer every year is always an exciting time for me because it is when we hold my favorite event of the school year – English Days! We started English Days during my first year at Hello!s in 2012, and it’s something that I’ve looked forward to every year since then. The opportunity to get away and hang out with students is always special, and it gives us teachers a chance to connect more with students using English.
We have lots of fun activities planned for students, including English orienteering, a campfire (with s’mores!), and my favorite event of English days, which is water games.
I can’t wait for English Days this year, as well!