Hey y’all!
Elle and I got COOKED at USJ. It was so hot, but we had so much fun running around and riding roller coasters. Have y’all rode that dinosaur ride in Jurassic part? We did TWICE. I think it was one of the best, if not the best roller coaster I’ve ever been on.
Have you been on this ride?
See y’all in class!

Kia ora and hello everyone!
A few weeks ago, while exploring the rural country-side parts of Gifu, I went to Shirakawa-go!
I remember learning about this UNESCO world-heritage site back when I was in high school in New Zealand and discovered my best-friend was from Gifu! I naively thought that she must visit this place all the time (despite it being a 4 hour drive from her house).
I finally got the chance to go, and it was so beautiful! Full of beautiful heritage houses, stunning nature, and delicious food – I had the best time and can’t wait to go back one day!
Have you been?


生徒と一緒に校舎を出る際に、大垣本部-スイトテラス校と大垣駅前交番裏のロータリーの間にある水路を目にするのですが、その水中にある緑色の長~い植物に流れてきた別の色の花などが引っかかっているのを見ると「オフィーリア」という絵画を毎回思い出します(^^)/ シェイクスピア作品「ハムレット」のセリフの中に出てくるシーンを絵にしたものです。とても有名な絵画なので、見たことがある方もたくさんいるのではないでしょうか。この水路はなかなか水流が強く、ほとんど緑色しかないんですけどね!

As someone who loves to go for nice long walks I’m so happy to live in a country like Japan. There are so many places to walk that are great to look at and are very safe. It’s getting hotter and hotter so my walks are becoming shorter and less frequent, but I’m always happy to get out and walk.