Hey y’all!
Along with the heat, summer brings along a lot of fun drinks to try and enjoy. My drink of choice this year is the 7/11 Starbucks Tropical Pink Me Moment. It reminds me of the pink Kool-Aid I used to drink when I was growing up!
have you tried this drink? See y’all in class!

Kia Ora and hello everyone!
A few weeks ago I went on a little trip to Takayama!
This was my first time exploring more of rural Gifu so I was super excited for the opportunity!
It was so stunning and beautiful and I had the best time exploring. I hope I can go back soon!
Have you been to Takayama?

小学3~6年生クラスは来週です。4月からこれまでに使用したテキストの内容やプリントなどを再確認して、Do your best!

・Japanese iris … 花菖蒲。6月も見頃でしたが、今月もまだまだきれいだと思います(^^)/
・Lotus … 蓮。こちらも今月もまだまだ見頃!
・Sunflower … 向日葵。夏といえば、ひまわり畑です🌻

It keeps getting hotter and hotter as we get further into the summer season. While being outside for too long can be very uncomfortable I still love to get out for as long as I can handle. Recently I went out for a walk and was greeted with beautiful flowers. These flowers are called hydrangea in English. I hope that you can withstand the heat enough to get outside and see something beautiful too!