Hey y’all!
New Years in Texas was HOT. Like actually hot. I left the house in full heat tech and ended up ditching it quickly. Anyways, I went downtown San Antonio to see the fireworks at the Tower of Americas. It was truly a magical San Antonio experience. What did y’all do for New Years?
See y’all in class!
Kia Ora and hello everyone!
During the winter break, I went back to New Zealand to see my family and hopefully enjoy the warm NZ summer!
However, when I got there, it decided to rain for almost my entire trip!
Despite this, I still enjoyed going to the beach on a rainy day with my dogs – as it was still really warm (28 degrees!)
Are you excited for summer in Japan?
先週末、SHIMON GROUPでの第3回英検一次試験が実施されました。来年度から3級以上のReading問題が増える影響か、今回は定員いっぱいまでお申し込みがあった級もありました。先日の大学入試共通テスト後、「英語の試験が難しかった」「長文が…」といった受験者の声もSNSにたくさん上がっていたようです。
Over the winter vacation I visited Hakone and got a great view of mount Fuji. I’ve been in that area before, but in the past it has been cloudy when I’ve been there. This time I had great luck and was able to get fantastic views of the mountain all day. It was quite magnificent!