It’s been years since I’ve flown a kite, but recently my son made one at school. It’s been a bit cold lately, so we haven’t had a good opportunity to try it out. This past weekend, though, it was pretty warm in Nagoya so we decided to head to the park and give it a try. He had a lot of fun (and my daughter had a lot of fun chasing him around). It wasn’t the windiest day, but the kite worked great. I was impressed that he was able to make it work so well.
Being creative and making things is fun, but seeing those things work as you hoped they would is very satisfying. An activity as simple as flying a kite motivated me to try and do more creative things myself.



Hey y’all!
New Years in Texas was HOT. Like actually hot. I left the house in full heat tech and ended up ditching it quickly. Anyways, I went downtown San Antonio to see the fireworks at the Tower of Americas. It was truly a magical San Antonio experience. What did y’all do for New Years?
See y’all in class!

Kia Ora and hello everyone!
During the winter break, I went back to New Zealand to see my family and hopefully enjoy the warm NZ summer!
However, when I got there, it decided to rain for almost my entire trip!
Despite this, I still enjoyed going to the beach on a rainy day with my dogs – as it was still really warm (28 degrees!)
Are you excited for summer in Japan?