It feels like winter has finally arrived after weeks of warm weather. I love cold weather because it’s great to curl up on a cold night in warm pajamas and just relax. Last year, I was back home in Chicago with my children, and Chicago winters are always very cold (too cold!). It also snowed a lot while we were there. With Christmas just one week away, I can’t help but hope that we’ll get some snow soon. There’s something about snow on Christmas that’s magical, and my kids both love playing in snow. Here’s a picture from last year of my son making his first snow angel.


Kia Ora and hello everyone!
Christmas time is upon us and it’s time to celebrate!
Christmas is the biggest holiday of the year for me and my family, so I’m super excited to also see what Japan is like during the festive season too!
With Christmas party nearly here, I thought I’d share some Christmas traditions my family have back in New Zealand.
Firstly, Christmas is in the summer-time in NZ so for us it’s a time for BBQs, swimming in the pool, and wearing shorts!
My family is British though, so my dad always makes sure we have a traditional English Christmas lunch.
We always have a Christmas tree and put it up 12 days before Christmas, and take it down 12 days afterwards too.
Christmas dinner at my household also always consists of a turkey and a ham, and pavlova and trifle for dessert!
I’d love to hear all about how you celebrate Christmas!