Hey y’all!
You know me…. I’m always eating! Here are some faves from the summer.
LIVING for the jalapeños that I order from Amazon
Chicken is always better on the bone
Japanese people could fry any meat and I would gladly eat it
Nothing makes me happier than a fried scallop on a stick.
see y’all in class!
Which do you like better, traveling in a group or traveling alone?
ハローズの授業か英検二次試験の予想問題か、忘れてしまったのですがこのような質問を中学生の生徒たちと話し合ったことがあります。まだ一人で旅行に行くなんて経験はない年齢なので、I like traveling in a group. と答える子が多いです。そして「なぜ」なのか理由を述べるのですが、これが本当に難しく、英会話の力と意見を述べるスキルの両方が必要となります。動詞を変えて「買い物は家族と行く派?一人で行く派?」「勉強するときにお友だちと集まってする派?一人でする派?」という質問もよく使います。簡単ではありませんが、繰り返しの練習で自分の考えを正確に分かりやすく伝えることをマスターしてほしいと思っています。
Personally, I like traveling alone better. I do often travel with my family and friends, but I really enjoy traveling by myself because I can take as much time as I want in each place I visit!
Aaron here with another post about ramen! One of my favorite ramen restaurants is Machida Shouten. I went recently and got this big bowl of ramen and some chicken. It was a little too much food and my stomach hurt after eating it all, but it was delicious so I think it was worth it. You can receive stamps for each bowl of ramen you finish and receive a free bowl of ramen after ten stamps. I have six right now, so I’ll definitely be heading back there for more ramen and stamps soon!